Photo by Mitchell McCleary on Unsplash
Just as we were wrapping ourselves in a blanket of warm, autumnal colours, along comes Storm Babet to remind us not to get too comfortable. Spared the worst of the storm’s battering, the garden paths are, nevertheless, under around an inch of water, making the short trip to the studio a wellington boot affair….
The grim weather matches the grim news; it would be all too easy to sink into a spiral of gloom, but, without wishing to sound trite, I remind myself that:
“You can’t calm the storm…so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass”. - Timber Hawkeye
It goes without saying, that I miss my parents everyday, but at times like these, I really miss my Mum’s wisdom…and straight-talking! Having lived through WWII, and lost her own mother when she was only seven, she was very much of the generation that ‘just got on with things’, that made the best of what life had dealt them, whilst believing, that if you worked hard, you could achieve. And she imparted all her wisdom with love, tough love sometimes…which I didn’t always appreciate; but, with the perspective of time, she has been proven right more times than not…
So, ‘calming the storm’ being beyond my control, I continue to focus on the small details, the things that bring me pleasure. From that first morning coffee…
Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
…to watery sunrises, carpets of conkers, and berries shimmering with dew…

…and falling asleep listening to the rain…
Taking the time to slow down and notice the tiny details, well, I find that very calming, and being more settled, less stressed, enables me to focus more on my art.
It’s the small things that weave together to form a rich tapestry, a really beautiful fabric that I cling onto when all around, the maelstrom swirls…
I love this poem; it reminds me that, even if I don’t always spot them, nature provides so many wonderful moments - storms aside!
The Secret Song Who saw the petals drop from the rose? I, said the spider, But nobody knows. Who saw the sunset flash on a bird? I, said the fish, But nobody heard. Who saw the fog come over the sea? I, said the sea pigeon, Only me. Who saw the first green light of the sun? I, said the night owl, The only one. Who saw the moss creep over the stone? I, said the grey fox, All alone. Margaret Wise Brown
Autumnal Highlights…
With the onset of autumn, winter isn’t far behind. It feels as if I should be hunkering down, lighting the candles, throwing blankets around my shoulders, drinking hot chocolate and making inroads into the pile of books awaiting my attention.
Instead, there is a slight air of expectation, new things on the horizon… Planning for the Art & Yoga Soirée (Friday 1st December ) is ongoing; ordering small postcards etc for the ‘goody’ bags, ordering frame samples, deciding how many bottles of Prosecco are required, do we need to taste test the mince pies - you know, important stuff!!
I have also recorded the first in a series of artists’ interviews. These ‘Coffee Break Studio Chats’ will form part of my paid Substack offering when I turn the paywall on in January. Don’t worry all the usual stuff will still be available free, but I am looking to offer more videos, demos and interviews which inevitably take time, so if you enjoy my art, videos and posts, and would like to support me in making even more, please consider a paid subscription.
Learning the technology to record and edit is a steep learning curve, but I shall not be beaten!
I have managed to get into the studio. It’s gradually becoming a cosy place, just the space to be in when the weather is grim!
Twinkly sparkles on a grim day…..
After a particularly non-productive session, it got me to wondering, do you have a ‘Living with it for a while’ pile? Seeing if a little space from the work makes me like it more…?
The jury is still out on this one above; it’s currently pinned on the studio wall while I debate…
Being frustrated with how things were going, I reached for another sheet of paper, and tried a slightly different process. At the moment, I like this one…so I will look to film a demo video…hopefully, I will manage to produce something else I like!!
I have actually made a start on the pile of books by my bedside. Can I just say that I am thoroughly enjoying Annie Worsley’s ‘Windswept’…. Her lyrical descriptions of the landscape; it’s elemental nature, the flora and fauna, and people who make up this area of Wester Ross are captivating…
“If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.” - Frank Lane
True to form…the weekend after Storm Babet, brought the most glorious sunshine and blue sky day… A day spent celebrating our youngest son’s birthday with a walk around Damflask Reservoir in the Loxley Valley, followed by a delicious Sunday lunch at the Wisewood Inn. A reminder to focus on what’s really important…

I hope you have enjoyed this post and found something to interest you; if so, could you please share, it would mean a lot to me!
Thanks so much for reading and watching, Until next time..
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I’ve always loved the quote about calming yourself not the storm - it really helps doesn’t it!