I’m another one who has signed up for 750words.com! I had to get my iPad with a keyboard out today as it took almost 50 minutes to write 750 words on my phone yesterday. I did enjoy using the word of the day (divers) as it took me back to a visit to Shetland where I remember seeing Great Northern Divers on a tarn: something I had completely forgotten about. It’s amazing what’s stored in our heads that hardly ever sees the light of day!

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Hi Joy - great to hear that you're having fun with the 750words!! I must admit I do mine on my laptop - having learnt to touch type many moons ago, it doesn't take me long to bash out the word count - that and the fact I have so much trivia circling around in my brain!! And I'm with you on how surprising it is the stuff you remember!!

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Another thing to thank you for Carolyn. Whenever you make a recommendation it sends me down to some delightful rabbit warrens.

I had not heard of 750 words before. I started the free trial and have found it really helpful. It’s been less than a week but is already firmly included in my daily pattern.

Do keep sending your pondering, musings and recommendations.



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Hi Alison, it makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my ramblings and recommendations! Sometimes, as with all these platforms, it can feel as if you're talking to the void, so receiving such comments is a wonderful boost. I've definitely found 750 words useful (like you I'm still on the free trial) - if nothing else, it gets rid of all the disjointed thoughts circling around my brain!! I'm proud of myself for completing two weeks, and yes, it's become part of my daily practices. Thank you again for your support - it is always appreciated. Have a great weekend, Carolyn

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Great newsletter! Please don't lose those lovely marks and defining characteristics of your work, soooo beautiful!

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Thank you Pamela - glad you enjoyed it! No, I don't think I will lose the marks and expressive washes etc. - no matter what other processes and techniques I experiment with, they have a way of creeping in! They're obviously my default settings!! Have a great weekend.

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